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Prem Mandir, Vrindavan

Sanatan Vedic Dharma

Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj has revealed the eternal, universal philosophy, thereby reconciling all the different schools of thought and presenting the Truth before us.

This eternal philosophy is being propagated now by many preachers throughout the globe. Among them H.H. Raseshwari Devi ji and Swami Yugal Sharan ji are the two foremost preachers, who present this timeless message in their own style of presentation.

Some Eternal Questions arising in our Mind

What is the Purpose of my Life ?

Every being invariably desires HAPPINESS. We seek it in the material world but this material happiness is fraught with four limitations – It is LIMITED, TEMPORARY, REDUCING and SUBJECT TO SORROW AGAIN. But we are not bodies but souls and as souls we desire TRUE HAPPINESS – UNLIMITED, PERMANENT, EVER-INCREASING and NEVER SUBJECT TO SORROW AGAIN.

HH Raseshwari Devi Ji

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By Poojaniya Raseshwari Devi Ji

HH Raseshwari Devi Ji

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