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Jagadguru Swami Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj


Swami Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

5th Original Jagadguru and our Divine Master

Jagadguru Swami Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj
Jagadguru Shri Adi Shankracharya
Jagadguru Shri Nimbarkacharya

The Jagadguru Tradition

Jagadguru Shri Adi Shankracharya

(C.E. 788 – 820)

As per the tradition of original ‘Jagadgurus’, Adi Shankaracharya is the first Jagadguru of this world. His philosophy is known as ‘Advaitavad’ (Non-dualism) and it forms the basis for the teachings of the Gyan Marg or the Path of Knowledge.

Jagadguru Shri Ramanujacharya

(C.E. 1017 - 1137)

He preached ‘Vishisht Advaitavad’ (qualified non-dualism). He stated that the soul is a fractional part of God and is meant to serve Him. Further, that God resides in the heart of every soul. His main focus was on the Path of Devotion (Bhakti) - that it was the only means of God-realisation.

Jagadguru Shri Ramanujacharya

Jagadguru Shri Nimbarkacharya

(C.E. 1130 – 1200)

His philosophy is known as ‘Dwaitadvaitvad’ (Dualism – Non-dualism) He preached that although there is a duality between God and soul, yet the soul is also simultaneously one with God. Being a part of God, the purpose of the soul is to receive God’s Grace and to realise Him. The soul’s ultimate spiritual welfare is accomplished through devotion to the personal form of God.

Jagadguru Shri Madhvacharya

(C.E. 1239 – 1319)

He was a staunch proponent of ‘Dvaitvad’ (Dualism) philosophy. He stressed on the fact that God, Maya and Soul are three different entities. It is only through devotion that an individual soul can attain God-realisation and liberation. He said that whatever situation we may be in, constant remembrance of the Lord will help us sustain.

Jagadguru Shri Madhvacharya
Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

(C.E. 1922 - 2013)

He reconciled all the seemingly contradictory philosophies of all the previous Jagadgurus. He further presented the Sanatan Vedic Dharma in a manner which was uncomplicated and easy to follow for everyone. 

Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

The Unprecedented Title


A landmark in spiritual history took place when Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj gave a series of profound lectures at the invitation of ‘Kashi Vidvat Parishad’, the apex body of spiritual learning composed of 500 great scholars of India.

Shri Maharaj Ji spoke for ten days revealing the secrets of the scriptures of Sanatan Vedic Dharma. With great ease, he reconciled the different philosophies and contradictions in the Vedic scriptures and the different views of the previous Jagadgurus to reveal the true path of God-realization for the welfare of all humankind.

The 500 scholars were both astonished and deeply moved by the philosophy put forward by Shri Maharaj Ji and they unanimously acclaimed Him as Jagadguru - Spiritual master of the world.

They further added that He was ‘Jagadguruttam’ or Supreme amongst all the Jagadgurus.

The various accolades that they showered upon Him were


The greatest scholar with unsurpassed knowledge of the Vedas and all scriptures of the world

His Contribution to the World

Revelation of Sanatan Vedic Dharma

Shri Maharajji is the first Jagadguru to demystify the Vedas and take its teachings to the common person. What a lay person would have been unable to understand even after years of studying the Vedas, has been simplified and explained by Him for the benefit of one and all. Further, He has reconciled the seemingly contradictory philosophies and revealed the true teachings of the Vedas to the people.

Roopdhyan - Unique Meditation Technique

This is Shri Kripaluji Maharaj Ji's extra-ordinary gift to humankind. Shri Maharaj Ji has emphasised the visualisation of the form of God during worship and meditation. Without visualisation, even if the senses are involved in worship, the mind wanders - nullifying the results of the worship. Shri Maharajji has taught that God notes the worship by the mind, not the senses. And hence, the supreme importance of Roopdhyan!

Propagation of the Ultimate Truth

From the tender age of 34 right till the ripe old age of 91, Shri Maharaj Ji untiringly delivered many spiritual talks, attended by thousands of people. He has further made many preachers who are taking His mission forward by spreading His message far and wide. Raseshwari Devi Ji is one of His foremost preachers.

Spiritual Literature

'Prem Ras Siddhant' or 'The Philosophy of Divine Love', a popular book written by Shri Maharaj Ji contains the gist of all the teachings of our scriptures. Many other books based on His talks have also been published both in Hindi and English, like 'Main Kaun Mera Kaun', 'Guru Kripa', 'Hum do, hamare do', 'Vishwa Shanti' etc.

Proving His status as a Rasik, He has written and composed a myriad of unparalleled devotional songs (kirtans) and verses catering to various emotions of devotees. Some of the books of His compositions are Prem Ras Madira, Braj Ras Madhuri, Yugal Madhuri, Yugal Shatak etc.

Temples and Monuments

Beautiful, magnificent, enchanting - words fail to describe the monuments built by Him like Bhakti Mandir, Mangarh; Prem Mandir, Vrindavan and Kirti Mandir, Barsana.

Health and Education

Shri Maharajji has set up three multi-speciality hospitals in Mangarh, Barsana and Vrindavan which provide services completely free of cost to the patients. He has also set up a School and Colleges in Kunda (Uttar Pradesh) for girls, providing best in class education, completely free of cost.

Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat

Shri Maharajji has established an international organisation, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP) to carry on the work started by Him. BGSM works in close tandem with and under the guidance of JKP to further Shri Maharaj Ji’s cause.

Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
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